Collection System
Ocotillo/Airport Lift Station
Chandler, AZ
Owner/Client: City of Chandler
The Ocotillo/Airport Lift Station located at the Ocotillo Water Reclamation Facility site has the ability to pump up to 20 MGD of influent wastewater to the Airport WRF. The lift station consists of three independent compartments connected by a series of sluice gates that will allow the Lift Station to collect flows from different sources (such as industrial or residential flows within the service area) and convey flows via either the existing 24” diameter Queen Creek Force Main and/or a new 36” diameter Ocotillo Force Main. The lift station is extends to 40 foot below grade and hoses a total of seven pumps with a conveying capacity ranging from 3 MGD to 8 MGD. The pumps are equipped with Variable Frequency Drives to facilitate variation in flows to match the incoming flows and diurnal variation. The pump station is controlled remotely from City’s two different treatment facilities. Ancillary facilities at the pump station would include a separate service entrance, stand-by generator, odor control system, a canopy structure with hoist system to remove pumps, supplemental carbon feed system and site improvements.

Vistancia Boulevard Lift Station
Phoenix, AZ
Owner/Client: City of Peoria
The Vistancia Boulevard Lift Station is a 2,500 gpm lift station designed to convey influent wastewater flows collected from the northern half of the Vistancia Development in Peoria through a force main, located on a bridge crossing the CAP canal and into a sanitary sewer manhole on the south side of the bridge. The design incorporates a packaged duplex lift station which includes the pumps, valves, controls and accessories. The lift station site also includes an on-site odor control system, stand-by power generation, masonry perimeter wall and landscaping.