Master Planning
Tempe Water and Sewer
Master Plan
Chandler, AZ
Owner/Client: City of Tempe
Wilson Engineers was selected by the City of Tempe to develop an integrated water and sewer infrastructure master plan. The previous water master plan was 10 years old and the previous wastewater system master plan was 6 years old. This project developed a comprehensive integrated water and wastewater system master plan for the City.

Vistancia Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Master Plans
Peoria, AZ
Owner/Client: City of Peoria
In 2005, serving as the City of Peoria’s Vistancia Community Facilities District (VCFD) Engineer, Wilson Engineers developed the original water, wastewater and reuse water system Master Plans for the Vistancia Development. Vistancia is a 7,700 acre Master Planned Community located in northwest Peoria. Since 2005, Vistancia has been the fastest growing portion of the City. For this reason, multiple Utility Master Plan Updates have been developed for the community (most recently 2013) as the land use plans have been further refined.