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Construction Administration & Inspection

Airport Water Reclamation Facility Expansion, CM Services

Chandler, AZ 

Owner/Client: City of Chandler


This project included project and construction management services for the expansion of the existing 15 MGD capacity to 22 MGD capacity.  The treatment plant expansion included upgrades to all existing unit processes such as screens, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, filters, disinfection facilities, solids handling facilities and site improvements.  Construction management effort included GMP review, schedule review, construction observation, review of shop drawings and RFIs, preparation of work change directives, record drawings, quality assurance, administration of project meetings and coordination with the Plant staff for plant shutdowns and start-up of facilities and commissioning assistance. 

South Tempe WTP Improvements

Phoenix, AZ

Owner/Client: City of Tempe


Wilson Engineers was selected to act as the Owner’s authorized construction management representative for the improvements at the South Tempe Water Treatment Plant. The new upgrades are to improve plant operations and to provide additional treatment abilities as required to meet upcoming water quality regulations, in particular the Stage II Disinfection By-product (DBP) Rules. Plant improvements included the following:


  • Conversion to flow-paced coagulant dosing and installation of powdered activated carbon silo

  • Construction of new sludge drying bed and covered sludge transfer area and Installation of a rail-mounted dewatering unit.

  • New chlorine dosing system to provide automation and more precise control of chlorine dosing to meet target residual requirements at multiple locations through the treatment process.

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