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Water Treatment Plants (WTP)

Deer Valley

Water Treatment Plant

Phoenix, AZ

Owner/Client: City of Phoenix


Wilson Engineers was selected by City of Phoenix for the design and construction phases of this project. Wilson performed a facility wide asset evaluation which included a detailed investigation of all structural, mechanical and electrical components of all liquid treatment processes, solids handling facilities, chemical facilities and ancillary facilities. A preliminary list of items that needed to be addressed was developed with input from the City Engineering and Plant Staff. Wilson worked with Construction Manager @ Risk (CMAR) to prepare costs associated with all the items. The list was prioritized in Workshops with the City and the design scope was finalized based on the immediate needs and priorities that also fit the City construction budget. Key detailed design elements included optimization of a majority of the Chemical Feed Facilities, replacement of aging equipment in the Solids Handling Facility and minimizing failure points / reducing safety concerns at electrical gear. This project also includes preparation of a technical memorandum identifying future plant-wide improvements over the next two CIP periods.

24th Street WTP

Rehabilitation Project

Phoenix, AZ

Owner/Client: City of Phoenix


Wilson Engineers performed a detailed needs evaluation which included a detailed investigation of the concrete condition in the flocculation and sedimentation basins, flocculation mechanism, and secondary sedimentation equipment. Wilson performed extensive investigation of concrete coating systems, concrete basin condition and conducted field investigation of existing flocculation and sedimentation basin equipment for rehabilitation or removal. Wilson prepared multiple alternatives and worked with Construction Manager @ Risk (CMAR) contractor to prepare costs associated with these alternatives. Detailed design of the project included rehabilitation of the flocculation basin equipment, replacement of the sedimentation basin equipment, in-situ concrete repairs and modification to the existing chlorine system piping and redundant water source connection to the Solids Handling Area plant water system. Wilson Engineers completed an analysis for identifying rehabilitation items for future rehabilitation projects.

Deer Valley WTP

East Basins Design

Phoenix, AZ

Owner/Client: City of Phoenix


After several years of investigation of the existing basins at the Deer Valley WTP, the City of Phoenix determined to demolish the existing treatment facilities at this facility due to poor soil conditions.  Wilson Engineers was selected to design a new 100 MGD capacity water treatment facility to replace the existing treatment basins. An extensive evaluation of different treatment processes was conducted prior to the detailed design.  The evaluation included an assessment of the need for pre-sedimentation prior to the sedimentation process and comparison of GAC post filter contactors with GAC filter adsorbers. The new treatment process for the East Basins Project included Pre-sedimentation Basins, Sand Ballasted Flocculation and Granular Activated Carbon Filter Adsorbers.  New facilities design included a Chlorine Dioxide Feed System to replace the existing chlorine feed for algae control and also assist in reducing DBP precursors. Several ancillary facilities were upgraded at the plant (including electrical and control systems) to accommodate the new Plant.

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